Key documents
Volunteering WA empowers people and communities to enrich Western Australia through engaging, leading and advancing volunteering across the state.
2022 - 2025 Strategic Plan
Volunteering WA empowers people and communities to enrich Western Australia through engaging, leading and advancing volunteering across the state.
Volunteering WA Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025
Annual Reports
To read or download any of the Volunteering WA Annual Reports please click on a link below:
To read or download a copy of the Volunteering WA Constitution please click the link below:
Volunteering WA acknowledges the devastation that has been wrought historically through the alienation from land, separation of families, violence to communities and systemic racism. We also acknowledge the significant shortcomings today of opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal people in WA, in a range of areas including health, justice, education and employment. By committing to understanding our past, working together to overcome racism, renewing focus on closing the gap, creating opportunities for all and providing a voice for traditional owners in our Constitution, we can contribute to meaningful reconciliation and a more just and hopeful future.
Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan | July 2022 - December 2023: On behalf of the Board, staff and volunteers of Volunteering WA, we are pleased to launch our inaugural Reflect RAP. At its heart, it represents our commitment to strengthen relationships with the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work, rest and play.
The Volunteering WA team will work together to implement our commitments outlined in our 2022-23
Reflect Reconciliation Act Plan (PDF)