Finding your volunteer role
Welcome – we hope this will be your window to some fantastic new experiences, whether it’s meeting new people, learning new skills, sharing your knowledge or giving a helping hand we want it to be worthwhile and meaningful.
How to find volunteering positions
If you’re happy to use technology then below are a number of ways to find volunteering roles to suit your skills and interests:
Search our volunteer database
You can search by your location and interests - making it easy for you to find the role that suits you
Search for a volunteer position easily and quickly on the national volunteer database where thousands of positions are listed on behalf of organisations across Western Australia. Users can customise their search by
Create a Volunteer Profile
Once your volunteer profile is set up - we'll send you suggested roles that match your interests
Creating a Volunteer Profile will give you an online profile that will automatically find suitable roles for you and suggest them. You can then express interest with one click via your profile.
One-on-One Referral
For those that would prefer to speak with a person over the phone or in-person
If you don’t have access to a computer or aren’t comfortable with the internet you can visit or phone a Volunteer Resource Centre (VRC) near you. The Volunteer Resource Centres are resourced by staff and volunteers who can guide you to finding the perfect volunteering position.
Thank you for your interest and happy volunteering!