National Student Volunteer Week (NSVW) is an opportunity to acknowledge the impact that student volunteers make through volunteering.
Coordinated and delivered nationally by Volunteering Queensland since 2013 and supported by Volunteering Australia and all State and Territory Peak volunteering bodies, National Student Volunteer Week 2024 (#NSVW24) acknowledges and celebrates student volunteers, and promotes volunteering to students and young people across Australia.
This year National Student Volunteer Week will run from 5 - 11 August 2024
The theme for #NSVW24 is Generation Impact.
This year, we are celebrating the powerful and positive changes students bring to our communities through volunteering. ?? Join us from August 5-11 to honour and amplify the incredible impact of young volunteers. Let's make a difference together. We are #GenerationImpact ?? ??
Get involved, spread the word, and use #NSVW24 to share your stories of impact. We invite all education providers, volunteer organisations and students across the country to participate in National Student Volunteer Week.
Be a 2024 NSVW Student Ambassador
Nationally we are recruiting students aged 16+ to nominate themselves as a Student Volunteering Ambassador within their school, university or campus
Add your student event to the National Calendar
Register your event to let us know what you have planned for NSVW!
We have volunteering experiences for almost all ages! Check out our for positions for (14 - 24 year old), the Volunteering WA Directory (15+) or our partner Ignite Award for a self development program for ages 9 -13 years.
Share your volunteering photos and videos on social media
#NSVW24 and tag @VolunteeringWA and @AusNSVW