Resources, Fact Sheets and Downloads
Volunteering WA is here to support you and champion the volunteering community, so you can focus on your volunteering program and making a difference. If these articles raise questions, you can reach out to Volunteering WA through our free online Help Desk:
National Volunteer Management Resource Library
Discover a new national library resource under development across the State Peak bodies. This initiative is the result of an ongoing national collaboration to create and organise the best volunteer management resources in one place.
Visit the National Volunteer Management Knowledge Base
National Standards for Volunteer Involvement
The refreshed National Standards for Volunteer Involvement are a best practice framework to guide volunteer involvement across Australia. The National Standards can be used flexibly, recognising that volunteering takes place in highly diverse settings and ways. ll organisations and groups can implement the refreshed National Standards at any time. The state and territory Volunteering Peak Bodies are leading the implementation of the refreshed National Standards and offer training and resources.
Learn more and view the eight National Standards for Volunteer Involvement
National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-33
and the Action Plan 2024-2027
Volunteering Australia launched the National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-33, which was a 12-month co-design with the state and territory peak bodies. Owned and designed by all of us, the Strategy presents Australia's collective vision for a future where volunteering is at the heart of Australian communities. Western Australia is leading the implementation of the National Strategy, aligning our priorities with the three focus areas and eleven strategic objectives of the Strategy.
The National Strategy for Volunteering’s first three-year action plan launched August 2024! Developed with input from the volunteering ecosystem, Action Plan 2024-2027 contains key priorities that will shape the next phase of the National Strategy for Volunteering.
View the National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-33 and the Action Plan 2024-2027
Barriers to Volunteering Snapshot
In 2023, the Australian volunteering peak bodies commissioned a report to identify barriers to volunteering and how to improve access and inclusion for First Nations people, people with disability, and newly arrived migrants. We have created a snapshot series to share the key findings, so volunteer-involving organisations feel equipped to engage volunteers from each group.
Barriers to Volunteering Snapshot - People with Disability (PDF)
Barriers to Volunteering Snapshot - First Nations People (PDF)
Barriers to Volunteering Snapshot - Newly Arrived Migrants (PDF)
Volunteering Australia | Resource Hub
Volunteering Australia launched an online Volunteering Resource Hub to help anyone who helps manage, lead or coordinate Australia’s almost six million volunteers. The Resource Hub includes over 350 relevant, useful and accessible resources including policies, procedures, tools, videos, templates, guides, research and factsheets.
Find national resources (or search by State) on the Resource Hub
Volunteer Management Handbook
The Volunteer Management Handbook has been designed to support new, existing and aspiring Volunteer Managers and Coordinators in their role.
Find the online Volunteer Management Handbook on the national Knowledge Base
Virtual Volunteering
With the growth in virtual communications, volunteering organisations are embracing new ways to support their community through virtual volunteering, by adapting existing roles and creating new ones. This resource will provide you with tips for managing virtual volunteer roles in your organsiation.
Tips for Optimising Virtual Volunteering
In response to the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Volunteering WA has launched a comprehensive resource and workshop package ('Designing a Successful Virtual Volunteering Program') for volunteer leaders and volunteer involving organisations (VIOs) to help you adapt to the new challenges and prepare volunteer programs for a transition to virtual volunteering. This resource package is suitable for all volunteer involving organisations.
Delivered face-to-face, this interactive workshop complements the Designing a Successful Virtual Volunteering Program Handbook.
Search for upcoming workshop dates: 'Designing a Successful Virtual Volunteering Program.
Compliance and Legislation
NFP Law for volunteers: Volunteers are an important resource to many, if not most, community organisations. Volunteer involving organisations can make sure their relationship with volunteers is meaningful, and managed respectfully and safely, by understanding the legal issues relating to the engagement and management of volunteers.
On the following NFP Law page you will find a sample Volunteer agreement, Guide to workplace behaviors, Guide to volunteer safety, and a Guide to ending the volunteer relationship.
NFP Law: legal issues relating to the engagement and management of volunteers
NFP Law - Work Health and Safety Act: The purpose of the Work Health and Safety laws are to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees, volunteers and other persons who are at, or come in to contact with a workplace. The new Work Health and Safety Act 2020 is expected to come into force in Western Australia in late 2021. On the following NFP Law web page you will find the following resources:
- Guide to Community organisations and work health and safety laws.
- Guide to the model Work Health and Safety Act published by Safe Work Australia.
- Guide to the model Work Health and Safety Regulations published by Safe Work Australia.
- The Essential Guide to Work Health and Safety for Volunteers published by Safe Work Australia.
NFP Law: Work Health and Safety
Requirements for Volunteer Passenger Transport Drivers: Volunteers driving for a community transport service do not require a PTD authorisation. Volunteering WA would like to thank our members and partners who worked with us to advocate for this change.
Volunteering WA advocacy success: Change to requirements for Volunteer Passenger Transport Drivers
Guide | Work health and safety for volunteer organisations: Everyone has the right to be safe at work, including volunteers. Volunteers play a vital role in communities across Australia and make significant contributions by carrying out unpaid work for a variety of organisations every day.
The WHS for volunteer organisations guide provides information on how the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 applies to organisations that engage volunteers. It outlines the primary duty that organisations employing workers and engaging volunteers have under the WHS Act and explains how to meet this duty.
Worksafe WA's Work health and safety for volunteer organisations guide (PDF).
Policies Handbook For Volunteer-run Organisations
Volunteering WA has developed a sample Policy Handbook for Volunteer-run Organisations to provide an example of the kind of policies that may be adapted by volunteer-run organisations (without any paid employees). They are intended for use by incorporated associations.
Care must be taken to adapt the contents to reflect your organisation’s vision, mission, values, and operational context. Any industry specific legislative or regulatory requirements should be considered and reflected in your documentation.
It is recommended that volunteers of your organisation are consulted on the intention and operation of policies and procedures that are applicable to them, as part of the development process. This assists in raising awareness and ensures all issues and viewpoints are considered. Your Board / Management Committee will need to consider the strategic, financial, and operational risks of the organisation, with appropriate risk mitigations and treatment.
The development of your organisation’s policies and procedures would generally be led by, and subject to the review and approval of, the Board / Management Committee of your organisation.
Policies and procedures should be supported by awareness and training programs, processes and systems. They should be subject to a regular, scheduled review and continuous improvement.
All information provided is of a general nature only. Organisations should seek legal advice on specific issues.
Download our Policy Handbook - Guide for Volunteer-run Organisations
Editable Word Document | PDF Version
Research Resources
Report 'The Economic, Social and Cultural Value of Volunteering to WA': The socio-economic and cultural value of volunteering to Western Australia is conservatively estimated to be $39.0 billion.
Read the Economic, Social and Cultural Value of Volunteering to WA Report
The research checklist was produced to support Volunteer Involving Organisations that are considering whether to contribute to a research project, or undertake research with an academic or industry research partner.
Background screening for volunteers
Find out when to perform screening checks; how to develop a screening policy; applying for Volunteer Police Checks in WA and Working with Children (WWC) Checks.
Download Background screening for volunteers fact sheet
Corporate Volunteering
Learn how corporate volunteering can help your organisation: what it is, the benefits and how Volunteering WA can help connect you with a corporate team.
Download Corporate Volunteering fact sheet
Read IAVE's Global Corporate Research Report *Launched June 2022
Other unpaid work arrangements
This fact sheet describes the differences between volunteering, work for the dole, internships, work experience and student placements.
Download Other unpaid work arrangements fact sheet
Spontaneous Volunteers in Emergencies in WA
Spontaneous emergency support volunteers (non-frontline community volunteers) have a critical role to play in helping WA to respond and recover from emergencies, including natural disasters. Find out more about the role Volunteering WA plays, how you can be involved, and steps that should be taken to protect the health and safety of spontaneous volunteers in emergencies.
Learn more about Volunteering WA's Spontaneous Emergency Volunteering Project and download fact sheets and guides.
Volunteer National Police Certificate program
Volunteer National Police Certificates (VNPCs) list an individual’s criminal and traffic court outcomes and pending charges from all Australian police jurisdictions that are deemed disclosable at the time of application.
Visit Volunteer National Police Certificate Program (
Rights and responsibilities
Rights and responsibilities for both volunteers and volunteer involving organisations.
Download the Rights and Responsibilities Checklist
COVID-19 Resources
- See our vaccines page for regular updates on the vaccine mandates
This guide provides practical guidance to support volunteers to be better informed about volunteering in response to a pandemic. During a pandemic, volunteers will be faced with the need to adapt to a number of changes and to make decisions that may impact their volunteering.
Responding to a Pandemic in WA - Guide for Volunteers
This guide provides practical guidance and assistance to Volunteering Involving Organisations (VIOs) when responding to a pandemic. During a pandemic, VIOs will be faced with a number of changes and this guide provides checklists and guidance on key items to consider.
Responding to a Pandemic in WA - Guide for VIOs
This fact sheet aims to provide WA-based companies wanting to get their employees back into corporate volunteering with a guide on how to prepare for corporate volunteering in a post COVID-19 context.
Return to Corporate Volunteering Fact Sheet
This 'Returning to Volunteering' guide has been developed to help Volunteer Involving Organisations navigate through the process of returning volunteering programs and volunteers safely during COVID-19.
Returning volunteer programs and volunteers during COVID-19
COVID-19 has inspired people to form informal volunteer groups to support their local community. This resource is for individuals who are creating these informal volunteer groups to respond to this pandemic.
COVID-19 and Informal Volunteering Groups
Volunteering WA's Event Planning Guide
Volunteering WA's Event Planning Guide is a helpful resource with step-by-step advice and tips for organising successful events.