The State of Volunteering in Western Australia
In 2024, Volunteering WA released the richest data set on volunteering in Western Australia in over a decade.
Volunteering WA proudly represents over 1.5 million volunteers across the state including 742,000 people aged over 15 who volunteer formally with an organisation or group.
See the Summary and 80-page report for the latest statistics across:
- volunteering
- volunteer managers
- the economic value of volunteering in WA
- corporate volunteering.
View Western Australia's State of Volunteering Statistics
Additional Sources: National statistics
Key Volunteering Statistics
February 2022
This Volunteering Australia fact sheet provides key statistics about volunteering in Australia to assist you with program development, funding applications and advocacy. It includes data on how many people volunteer, who volunteers, where people volunteer, how often people volunteer, why people volunteer, barriers to volunteering, the economic value of volunteering, the social value of volunteering, trends in volunteering, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volunteering, sources of data on volunteering, and much more.
Download the PDF information sheet.
Youth Volunteering Key Statistics
August 2023
This Volunteering Australia document provides key statistics about youth volunteering in Australia and was released in August 2023 in honour of National Student Volunteer Week.
The data presented here is taken from several sources, specifically Volunteering in Australia research undertaken in 2022 to inform the development of the National Strategy for Volunteering, the General Social Survey (GSS) 2019 and 2020, the Household Impacts of COVID-19 surveys (the February, March, April, and June waves).
Key findings:
- 25.0 per cent of people aged 18-24 years volunteered formally (through an organisation or group) in 2022. This is an estimated 572,635 volunteers aged 18-24.
- The proportion of people aged 18-24 years who had volunteered formally in the previous 12 months fell from 36.5 per cent in late 2019 to 25.6 per cent in April 2021. This decreased slightly to 25.0 per cent in 2022.
Download the PDF information sheet.
Teens volunteering protects against poor mental health
May 2023
A 2023 Report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) has found that if a child is involved in volunteering before the age of 13, the odds of having poor mental health are reduced by around 28%.
As well, children who demonstrate ‘prosocial’ behaviours, such as caring for others or doing acts of kindness, were 11% less likely to experience mental ill-health.
The data was collected as part of Growing Up in Australia: A Longitudinal Study of Children (LSAC) which has been following the development of 10,000 children since 2003.
View the study on the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) website
Volunteering & Gender Key Statistics
March 2021
This Volunteering Australia fact sheet provides key statistics about volunteering in Australia by gender. The main source of data is the General Social Survey (GSS) which includes a series of questions about volunteering.
Download the PDF information sheet.