Volunteering WA Advocacy Success - Change to requirements for Volunteer Passenger Transport Drivers
Change to requirements for Volunteer Passenger Transport Drivers
Summary of issue
New legislation which came into effect from 2020 initially required some volunteer Passenger Transport Drivers (PTD) to undertake the following to continue in these roles:
- Pay an application fee to the Department of Transport ($28)
- Provide a current National Police Clearance ($15.70)
- Provide a commercial grade medical assessment ($150-$300)
- Pay an annual licensing fee ($88).
A large number of organisations and volunteers were adversely impacted by these changes and were considering ceasing community transport programs or volunteering as a result.
Volunteering WA advocacy activities
After engaging with the sector on the impacts the legislation would have, Volunteering WA raised the matter with the Ministers for Transport and Volunteering.
As a result of our advocacy, new regulations have been gazetted by Parliament which mean that:
Volunteers driving for a community transport service do not require a PTD authorisation.
This highlights the value of volunteers and volunteering to our community and recognition of the need to reduce unnecessary financial and administrative barriers. The change has been welcomed by VIOs and volunteers.
Volunteering WA would like to thank our members and partners who worked with us to advocate for this change.
Please contact VIOHelp@volunteeringwa.org.au if further information is required.
- Read: Volunteering WA's Letter to Minister Saffioti re Passenger Transport Licensing (February 2021).