Thu. 20 June 2024
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
This session will be held online and a link will be sent out to you before the workshop commences.
Building a Volunteer Engagement Plan Workshop
Do you have a Volunteer Engagement Plan (VEP)?
Having a new or refreshed plan will ensure your program is built on solid foundations and has systems and processes that flow. Your volunteers will feel safe, supported, and valued and your reputation will grow as a best practice program.
In this one-hour session, you will learn about the Volunteer Engagement Lifecycle including:
- How to develop a best practice framework including Implementation of best practice systems, policies, and procedures.
- How risk management plays a part in marketing, onboarding, training, support & supervision, succession planning and Exit.
- The importance of evaluating your volunteer management plan and continuous improvement
- How the eight Volunteer National Standards fit into
Suitability: For all Metro and Regional Volunteer Involving Organisations, new or experiences leaders of volunteers
Up to 0.5 CPD point is awarded for attending this online session.
To learn more about Continuous Professional Development with Volunteering WA and how to register click on the CPD link.
This online learning is free to Western Australian volunteer involving organisations thanks to funding from the Australian Government Department of Social Services.