Who's ready to play BINGO?!

Volunteering WA presents Volunteer Bingo

A lot of people are hesitant when they first think about trying volunteering. With so many options and so much demand for help prospective volunteers might be unsure of what to expect. So we decided to conduct an experiment to see just how common the perceived benefits of volunteering really were... introducing Volunteer Bingo! 

This group of volunteers are about to play volunteer bingo, the first player to five stories wins!

How to play at your volunteer involving organisation

There are so many diverse volunteering experiences out there, and we're using #VolunteerBingo as a mechanism to tell them - we encourage you to play along.

Use our VWA Volunteer Bingo card (PDF) or make your own with the blank Bingo Card (PDF)!

  1. Volunteer information session icebreakers: Play VWA Volunteer Bingo at in-person volunteer induction/information sessions and meet-ups as an icebreaker and a way to showcase the incredible benefits and experiences that can be achieved through volunteering. 
  2. Marketing tool for social media: We also encourage you to create short video clips of your current volunteers sharing their experiences for your social media channels as an advertising tool to reach prospective volunteers (make sure to tag @VolunteeringWA and #VolunteerBingo). 


Head to this Bingo page (www.volunteeringwa.org.au/bingo) and play one of the teaser videos to your attendees for inspiration

Then when you're ready to play with your group...

  • Set a timer - anywhere from 30seconds to 3minutes dependent on how long your session will run for
  • When the timer starts, ask people to flip over their bingo sheet and connect five spaces in a row with experiences they've had through volunteering
  • When they get five in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), they should call out bingo! The first person to call bingo wins
    *Players can use the FREE SPACE in the middle to share a benefit they've experienced that isn't on the card already. 
  • Ask the winner to share a volunteering experience for each of their squares (or just a couple depending on time). Ask others in the room to share a square each. 

Equipment needed (for in-person volunteer session):

  • A Bingo sheet per person (with the squares filled in)
  • A highlighter or pen per person so they can mark off their bingo squares
  • Alternatively: Instead of playing the whole bingo game, you can have an image of the bingo card in your presentation slides and you can go around the room and ask each attendee to pick a square that relates to them and to tell a story/or thought. 

Follow and tag @Volunteering WA online 

We'll be sharing our own Bingo game on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and Linkedin. If you film your games, please tag @VolunteeringWA and use the #VolunteerBingo so we can join in and share! 

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services

Further resources >> Step into Volunteering (Induction & Information)