Strategies for Volunteering

Volunteering WA contributes to core national and state strategies helping to bring cohesion the volunteering ecosystem, and working towards shared strategic pillars.

Volunteering WA

Volunteering WA is the peak body for volunteering in Western Australia, working across community, government, corporate and education organisations to build capacity of volunteer involving organisations, and support volunteering.

Our vision is for a society in which everyone is inspired to make a difference.

We proudly represent thousands of organisations who utilise volunteers, 800 volunteer involving member organisations and over 1.5 million volunteers throughout WA.

Volunteering WA’s Strategic Priorities govern our peak body’s services, programs, products and projects. 

  • Connect
  • Communicate
  • Celebrate
  • Research
  • Policy
  • Advocacy
  • Training
  • Advice
  • Support
Promote volunteering and foster opportunities for participation and partnerships. Unearth the latest trends in volunteering, and champion the needs and interests of the sector. Support people and organisations to strengthen volunteering.

National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-33

In 2023, Volunteering Australia launched the National Strategy for Volunteering 2023-33, which was a 12-month co-design with the state and territory peak bodies. Owned and designed by all of us, the Strategy presents Australia's collective vision for a future where volunteering is at the heart of Australian communities.

Western Australia is leading the implementation of the National Strategy, aligning our priorities with the three focus areas and eleven strategic objectives of the Strategy.

National Strategy for Volunteering Action Plan 2024-2027

The National Strategy for Volunteering’s first three-year action plan launched August 2024!

Developed with input from the volunteering ecosystem, Action Plan 2024-2027 contains key priorities that will shape the next phase of the National Strategy for Volunteering.
To read Action Plan 2024-2027, and to find out more about the National Strategy for Volunteering visit:

WA Government Action Plan

The WA Volunteering Strategy provides a guide for Government and community to work together to strengthen volunteering in WA. 

The WA Volunteering Strategy outlines actions that can be implemented through a whole-of-community approach, to support volunteering. The Strategy was developed based on national and international research and consultation, with extensive input from key stakeholders including Volunteering WA, local governments, resource centres, volunteer-involving organisations and volunteers.

The WA Volunteering Strategy Action Plan 2023-2026 provides details of volunteering initiatives being undertaken across State Government to support Strategy outcomes.

The release of the updated National Strategy for Volunteering has provided a national context for the challenges and opportunities being experienced throughout the Volunteering sector in Australia. The Department of Communities works closely with national and interstate counterparts to support the diverse and changing needs of volunteers in WA. 

Read more about the State Government Strategy and associated actions below:

WA Volunteering Strategy (PDF, 6.85MB)
> WA Volunteering Strategy snapshot (PDF, 4.44MB)
> WA Volunteering Strategy Action Plan 2023 – 2026 (PDF, 1.67MB)