Research Digest
19 Feb
Research Digest
Measuring Volunteerability and the Capacity to Volunteer among Non-volunteers: Implications for Social Policy. (AUS)
This is an Australian study of the concept of ‘volunteerability’, the paper offers insights in to how it could be applied to overcome barriers that prevent people from volunteering at the individual, the organizational and societal levels.
19 Feb
Research Digest
Grants in Australia - Annual Report 2017 (AUS)
An annual research report providing important data and key benchmarks for Australian grant seekers, grant makers, academics and social sector enablers. The report provides recommendations for improving both grant making and grant seeking.
19 Feb
Research Digest
Out of Uniform: Building Community Resilience Through Non-Traditional Volunteering - Annual Report 2016-2017 (NSW)
Failure to accept and adapt to change means running a risk of falling behind. This report informed by research, charts the progress to date of a program run by the NSW SES to support their efforts to rise to the challenges of harnessing the potential of new volunteering styles with the ultimate aim of reinvigorating the emergency volunteering sector, augmenting capacity and achieving better community outcomes. Findings may assist other volunteer-based organisations in their quest to embrace emerging opportunities.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Emergency Volunteers in the Face of Change - Strategy Discussion Documents 2017 (QLD)
Although this Discussion Paper focuses on Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, it poses questions which are relevant to any organisation with volunteers. It is the first step in the QFES' program to plan for ongoing large-scale volunteer involvement in the face of changing personal, community, and regulatory expectations. It provides a short background and poses several points for discussion.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Engaging Youth Volunteers - Toolkit and Experiences (UK)
A Toolkit and Appendix which outline issues and activities to consider in engaging youth volunteers and a brief outline of recommendations following experience with running volunteer programs in health and aged care, and community projects, in London. Many of the points raised are applicable to any youth volunteering program, or volunteering programs in general.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Recognising Volunteering in 2017 - Defining volunteering to match community usage (CA)
This Study by Volunteer Canada and IPSOS, aims to learn more about changing views on what constitutes volunteering. It surveyed 1,200 Canadians and reviewed approaches to defining 'volunteering' around the world. It suggests that reported declines in voluntering may be an outcome of the public only reporting formal volunteering rather than informal 'helping'. It highlights a disconnect between what people consider 'volunteering' and what they actually do to help. It concludes that a broader definition of volunteering is required.
18 Sep
Research Digest
The 2017 Millennial Impact Report - Millennials are redefining activism and cause (US)
A 2017 US study showed millennials (born 1980-2000) are changing their interpretation of long accepted terms such as: activist, cause, social issue and ideology. They are being driven by far reaching social issues for the greater good. This is useful information for organisations attempting to mobilise this demographic.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Volunteers Matter: Communicating their contribution and impact (AU)
Based on a recent study by a Queensland University of Technology researcher, this article explores perceptions, barriers to and range of practices for reporting the value of volunteer contributions. It suggests, despite the widely acknowledged critical role volunteers play in the sustainability of many NFP organisations, reporting of their value remains largely over looked. It recommends the development of a good practice model for reporting on the value of volunteer contributions.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Future Scenarios for the Charity Sector in 2045 (UK/AU/NZ)
This paper identifies current drivers for the charity sector before undertaking a scenario planning exercise to identify four possible scenarios in 2045. It provides valuable insights into the challenges and choices facing charities and a useful framework for any organisation considering its future strategic direction. Many of the changes can be seen already.
18 Sep
Research Digest
Third Sector Review - Special Issue (AU)
Building on discussions by researchers at the National Volunteering Conference (2016), this Special Issue is a collaboration between Volunteering Australia and Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research Inc (ANZTSR). It brings together a bumper collection of 11 peer reviewed papers covering a wide range of topics. You may want to take your time to read these. These reflect the diversity of volunteering in our community, the role and value of research into volunteering issues and the challenges for volunteering research and researchers.