Research Digest
12 Apr
Research Digest
Volunteering for Climate Action
The paper is structured around the four IVCO 2020 themes of advocacy and awareness, adaptation and resilience, capacity building, and policies and systems. It draws on a review of the literature in this area and primary research findings from a 2020 survey of volunteer involving organisations.
12 Apr
Research Digest
Western Australia’s Not-for-Profit Landscape Report 2020: The Second Report on WA Charities
The Not-for-Profit UWA Research Team has released its latest WA Not-for-Profit Landscape Report. This publication illuminates key workforce and economic trends in WA’s Not-for-Profit sector; the 2020 report is the second report in the series (the first report was in 2017).
12 Apr
Research Digest
COVID-19 and its Impact on Volunteering: Moving Towards Virtual Volunteering
Given COVID-19 social distancing measures, the traditional form of in-person volunteering is threatened. Virtual Volunteering (VV) is another way to volunteer. VV is more popular among youth in their 20s and 30s, people who are have post-secondary degrees, and unemployed people.
19 Oct
Research Digest
New research resource for Volunteer Involving Organisations
The Volunteering WA Research Committee is pleased to share the new Research Checklist.
08 Oct
Research Digest
Volunteering practices in the Twenty-First Century (2020)
In 1999, the UN Volunteers programme published a background paper “Volunteering and Social Development.” This paper described how volunteering has changed over the years.
08 Oct
Research Digest
Leaders of Health Volunteer Engagement - Volunteer Sector Benchmarking Study (AUS 2019)
The Leaders in Health Volunteer Engagement (LOHVE) Network was established in 2011. Its purpose was to support health volunteer managers and coordinators with the provision of well structured, integrated volunteer programmes.
08 Oct
Research Digest
Understanding The Future Consumer: Generational Insights To Inform Future Strategies Towards 2030 (AUS 2020)
Organisations need to communicate their key brand messages well as well as listen to and understand the unique needs of each generation.
08 Oct
Research Digest
Measuring Volunteering for the 2030 Agenda: Toolbox of Principles, Tools and Practices (2020)
Every day, in every country in the world, millions of volunteers work with communities, organisations, companies, and on their own to take action on the issues that affect them. But how many people volunteer, and what do they do? How is volunteering linked to improved development outcomes? And how can we maximize the contributions of volunteers?
08 Oct
Research Digest
Autonomy, Belongingness And Competence: The ABCs Of Emergency Volunteer Retention (AUS 2020)
Across Australia, emergency services organisations are seeking ways to improve volunteer satisfaction, wellbeing and retention. This research is providing insights and data nationally to help to develop new recruitment and retention strategies for State Emergency Services volunteers.
08 Oct
Research Digest
Communities vs Coronavirus – The Rise of Mutual Aid (UK 2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to tens of thousands of people losing their lives in the UK, stretched the capacity of public services, altered everyday life for millions, and ground our economy down to a standstill. Yet the public response to the crisis also inspires hope.