Benefits of Membership
As the peak body, Volunteering WA champions the volunteering community and provides support to volunteer involving organisations (VIOs) throughout the State. Becoming a member gives you access to a great range of member benefits and services. However, it is about more than this.
It’s about recognising the essential contribution of volunteers and volunteering in our communities as well as your own organisation. It’s about working together to harness the power of volunteering, to promote stronger, healthier more inclusive communities. It’s about providing a collective voice to our leaders and decision makers on key sector issues.
When you become a member, you join a network of hundreds of organisations who are the heart and driving force of their communities, and support Volunteering WA in working towards a future where everyone is empowered and inspired to make a difference.
Join us, get involved and help shape the future of our State.
Benefits of joining Volunteering WA as a Full Member
As an Organisation you will:
- Join the volunteering eco-system in supporting Australia’s national volunteering strategy.
- Demonstrate your commitment to, and support for, volunteering in the community, and within your organisation.
- Increase your visibility and status across the volunteering sector.
- Show your alignment with best practice and the national standards for volunteer involvement.
- Increase operational efficiency within your volunteer program(s).
- Improve the resilience of your service(s) by building robust volunteer program(s).
- Have a voice representing your interests on volunteering issues at State and Federal levels.
As a Volunteer Manager you will:
- Gain a greater understanding of sector trends and best practice.
- Build your knowledge and skills to develop your program, skills and career.
- Have access to more volunteers for your volunteer programs.
- Join valuable networks and make valuable connections.
- Save time by accessing ready-made resources and solutions.
91 per cent of Volunteering WA members are satisfied/very satisfied with our sector offerings
What’s included in Full Membership?
- Discounts on Volunteering WA conferences, events, consultancy services, training, and other fee for service programs.
- Opportunities to input, contribute, and shape the future of volunteering through our advocacy and policy work.
- Opportunities to raise your profile and promote your volunteering activities, people and stories on our social media, website and in our newsletters.
- Unlimited access to the national online volunteer recruitment platform; VIKTOR Lite, to promote your volunteer opportunities.
- Access to teams of volunteers and individual skilled volunteers through our corporate volunteering program (subject to requirements).
- Advice and support for volunteer management related issues and challenges.
- Access to our member exclusive CPD program for Volunteer Managers.
- Advance alerts for volunteer grants, and letters of support for your grant applications.
- Opportunities to connect and learn from other members at member only events and interest groups.
- Free access to the bi-monthly Volunteer Manager Network meeting.
- Opportunity to use your experience and participate in Volunteer Leadership Network (conditions apply).
- Access to pro bono legal service via Hall & Wilcox (conditions apply).
- Use of the Volunteering WA membership certificate and member logo to show your support for the volunteering sector and Volunteering WA.
- Acknowledgement of your membership and support for volunteering via listing on the Volunteering WA website.
- Voting rights (1 per membership) at the Volunteering WA Annual General Meeting.
- Complimentary Associate Membership of Volunteering Australia.
- As an Associate Member of Volunteering Australia, your organisation will benefit from opportunities to:
- Access, use or utilise services made available by Volunteering Australia
- Participate in policy work;
- Input into Volunteering Australia's strategic plan and national strategy for volunteering;
- Receive notice, attend and speak at general meetings of Volunteering Australia (conditions apply).
Join today and discover the benefits for yourself!
If you have any queries, please contact the Member Services team.