WA State Election 2025

Create the Conditions for Volunteering to Thrive in WA

We all know that volunteering brings enormous benefits to WA, $64 billion a year in fact! 

And we also know that volunteering isn’t free.  It costs volunteers an average of $13.75 for every hour of time they give to the WA community – that’s a 120% increase since 2015.  The cost to volunteer is now a major barrier.     

Over the past year we listened to our members and volunteers across WA to understand what can be done to improve the volunteering experience. 

Volunteering WA is pleased to launch Volunteering WA’s 2025 State Election Priorities, highlighting five investment priorities for the WA State Government:

  1. Create a ‘WA Volunteer Card’ to reduce the cost and streamline processes for volunteer screening
  2. Expand Workers Compensation coverage to some categories of volunteers
  3. Provide insurance coverage for volunteers in Community Service Organisations
  4. Fund Volunteering WA’s role in emergency services
  5. Connect young people to volunteering

Volunteering WA's 2025 State Election Priorities

Find out more about these priorities and the role for the WA State Government to help to create the conditions for volunteering to thrive in WA.  

We encourage you to share this with your networks and raise awareness for the need for tangible investment to create the conditions for volunteering to thrive in WA. 

Please email our team at  VIOHelp@volunteeringwa.org.au to provide feedback or to obtain additional information about these priorities.

I look forward to hearing about how you are helping Volunteering WA to promote these priorities in your community.

Tina Williams