Support for organisations wishing to implement National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (NSVI)


Kicking off 2025, Volunteering WA is offering all Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) the opportunity of using a range of processes, training sessions and resources to support you and your Volunteer Involving Organisation with the implementation of the Volunteer National Standards. We recommend keeping an eye on our Training and Events page as National Standards training sessions will be added throughout the year.

Here are a few ways your team can develop an understanding of the National Standards and implement them in your organisation, with help from our experts:

An Introduction and Overview of the Refreshed National Standards

Training session | Free to all

The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement are a best practice framework to guide volunteer involvement, and they are designed for organisations that strive for best practice and who offer simple, practical actions that can apply to a broad range of volunteering scenarios.

This one-hour Information Session is for all Leaders of Volunteers who want to explore the Volunteer National Standards in more detail.

Register for the next session

One-on-one online consultation

Consultation | Free to Volunteering WA full members, $50 + GST for others

This one-on-one, one-hour online consultation will work with you and your VIO on a completed Self-Assessment Gap Analysis and Action Plan for implementing the National Standards.

These sessions are limited and will be offered to those who have completed the one-hour refreshed National Standards online information session.

Before attending a consultation with a volunteering WA member of staff, you will need to commit to completing a Self-Assessment Gap Analysis on your VIO and have approval from your leadership team to start the implementation process.

Book a one-hour National Standards Consultation with Louise Giles

Book a one-hour National Standards Consultation with Felicity Smith

Implementing the Refreshed Volunteer National Standards Workshop: Face to face Group Training Session

Training session | Free to Volunteering WA full members, $50 + GST for others

This three-hour face-to-face training will include change management considerations and the benefits and challenges in implementing the National Standards, reviewing as a group your VIOs completed self-assessment gap analysis, and we will explore how to complete an action plan.

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and network with other VIOs going through the same process. For those outside of the metro area, there will be an online option.

Before attending this group training session, you will need to commit to completing a Self Assessment Gap Analysis on your VIO and have approval from your leadership team to start the implementation process.

Register for the next session

National Standards for Volunteer Involvement: Breaking New Ground (BNG) Portal 

Self-assessment tool | Free for a limited time

In partnership with Breaking New Ground (BNG), an easy-to-use, online self-assessment tool has been developed, which will help you with implementing the National Standards.   

This new resource measures your organisation’s performance in volunteer involvement, equipping your VIO with the information you need to achieve best practice and secure your reputation as a leader in volunteering.   

Volunteering WA has free limited licenses, which run from 1 May 2025 – 31 May 2026. If you are interested, please watch the following video BNG Self Assessment Portal YouTube Video 

  • Select Western Australia as your State  

The commitment to implementation would be 8-12 months. You will also have the chance to join a BNG network group quarterly. Please see the Training and Events Calendar for further details.  

If you would like to find out more about any of the above sessions, please register for the 15 min Volunteer National Standards via the Training and Events Calendar on the Volunteering WA website.  

If you are a non-member and book for a one-hour consultation, an invoice will be sent to you for this service.  

If you would like further information, please email: