Snapshot of member survey results on how COVID-19 is impacting volunteering programs
During April, Volunteering WA surveyed members to get a snapshot of how COVID-19 was impacting volunteering programs. Results showed that many organisations have paused their volunteer programs at this stage and stopped advertising volunteer roles. This is understandable in the current climate and determined by the type of service. However, we are also seeing that roughly a third of respondents are adapting roles, creating new roles, redeploying some of their volunteers and increasing their volunteer recruitment and advertising. If we can assist with this please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Main areas of concern are around loss of income, providing lesser services, adapting business processes to meet current health guidelines and increasing demand on essential services. In terms of volunteers some of you are seeing a drop in numbers, staff taking on volunteer roles and a move towards online volunteer engagement. On the plus side some are also seeing increased interest in volunteering from unemployed people and students whose classes are cancelled.
The ways members felt Volunteering WA could assist most were in recognition activities for volunteers, providing information on grants available and tips on how to engage with volunteers whilst inactive. We are working to provide assistance in these areas and remind you to keep an eye on our dedicated COVID-19 resource page for organisations.
To read the full report click here.