Volunteering WA currently convenes, administrates and provides stewardship for a number of different networks including those listed below. Volunteering WA’s depth of involvement within networks and committees varies, however our intent is to provide expertise and leadership to advance the volunteering sector and assist our stakeholders in building capacity and capability within their organisations.
Volunteer Leadership Network
An expanding group of senior-level volunteer managers who provide mentoring and meet every six weeks to discuss leadership and strategic issues around volunteer management. Read more.
Volunteer Managers Network
A forum for volunteer managers to gain and share knowledge, learn from peers, and discuss industry issues. Read more.
Corporate Volunteer Council
A coalition of businesses that advance, recognize and promote the importance of workplace volunteering and promote Corporate Responsibility Programs and their benefits to organisations. Read more.
Volunteer Resource Centre Network
Convened by Volunteering WA each quarter to discuss, and provide insight into, issues of importance within the sector. Read more.
WA Research Network
Supports a growing community of WA researchers with an interest in volunteering as a field of research. Networking is encouraged amongst researchers at all stages of their career, to share their work, develop connections, and find potential collaborations. Read more.
WA Tertiary Committee
Aims to share knowledge and ideas relating to student volunteering, as well as foster good practice in volunteer management on their respective campuses (university-based volunteering hub). Read more.
WA Research Committee
Meets quarterly as a Committee and hosts research related events and networking sessions. The committee supports the publication of a Research Digest twice a year, comprising new and recent research within the sector. Read more.
Volunteering Community Reference Group
Chaired and convened by Volunteering WA and established under the direction of the Hon Minister for Volunteering, Mick Murray MLA. The purpose of the group is to provide a direct voice on volunteering issues from the sector to government. Read more.
WA Peaks Forum
Volunteering WA is a member of the WA Peaks Forum. The Forum is an independent group of non-government human services sector peak bodies that work together to identify common policy priorities, undertake strategic planning, create joint initiatives and advocate to government for the best interests of human services, service users and the wider WA community.
Other State Peaks and Organisations
Volunteering WA is a member of the CEO network of National/State/Territory volunteering peak bodies. The purpose of the network is to collaborate and capitalise on the collective resources, knowledge and capabilities of its members for the benefit and advancement of the Australian volunteering sector.