Simon’s Story - Perth Homeless Support Group
Image: Simon Lane
Simon, Volunteer at Perth Homeless Support Group
"I believe that the health of our society is reflected by how we treat the most vulnerable. The assistance that I provide to PHSG is a small part of that. I find it humbling to see firsthand that so many people are coping with the severe challenges that they face but wonderful also to see how some have overcome their demons and show such commitment to help others.
A key volunteering highlight would have to be the friendliness and gratitude shown to the volunteers by so many of the homeless at the Sunday Outreach, despite their difficult circumstances.
Three things: Firstly, volunteering with PHSG makes a difference to the homeless. Secondly, the coordinators face a continuous challenge to 'deliver the goods' at Outreach - those truly wonderful stars need reliable support to reduce the stress of being able to deliver support week in and week out. Thirdly, for somebody like myself who has enjoyed so much good luck and privilege it is good for the soul to give something, however little, back to the needy."