Get your business involved in corporate volunteering

We offer a fee for service program where we can organise a once off volunteering day for your team or business, right through to working with you to plan and deliver an employee volunteering program for your whole organisation.

Let us do the work for you 

Our current employee volunteering programs range from delivering volunteering opportunities for 50 employees over the course of a year, right through to programs that cater for over 1000 employees over the course of a year. Programs can be all team-based volunteering activities or all skills-based volunteering activities or a combination of both. We will work with you and help you figure out what works best for your organisation’s needs.

Team-Based Volunteering

Team based projects are one day projects completed within normal business hours (Monday to Friday) by teams ranging from 5 to 50 volunteers. We work with over 80 different non for profit or community organisations and can match your employees interests and your companies’ values to suitable projects. Volunteer activities could include tree planting, gardening for aged care clients, packing baby hampers for new parents, repairing bikes for youth programs, painting and site maintenance, wildlife rehab, food preparation for families in need, sorting and packing donations.

Skills-Based Volunteering

Skills based volunteering involves discrete one on one projects in which a corporate volunteer utilises their individual or workplace skills to assist a non-for-profit or community organisation. Project commitments are generally 8-12 hours spread across a few weeks or months and are tailored to suit an employee's Volunteer Leave Allowance. Projects include skills in areas such as Human Resources, Strategic Planning, Business Development, Project Management, Risk Assessment, Mentoring and Coaching, and many more.

Benefits of Volunteering WA's services

Volunteering WA has over 800 member organisations, and we understand where the need is within the community for corporate volunteers. This makes us well placed to help find the right opportunity to meet the requirements, interests, and passions of your employees/team. Our member organisations keep us posted regularly on projects they have available for corporate groups.

Corporate Volunteering Portal

A branded corporate volunteering portal can be set up for your company so employees can search for volunteering positions and book volunteering opportunities online. The portal ensures an efficient and easy process - Volunteering WA will take care of the logistics!


Volunteering WA (VWA) liaises with participating community organisations to secure volunteering placements, organise logistics and finalise details. We ensure all parties' needs are met to make your volunteering project a success, removing most of the administrative work from your employees. For team-based volunteering, we organise all key logistical requirements, including catering, transport, PPE, as well as a comprehensive run sheet and safety assessment to ensure the day runs smoothly. A VWA representative will attend on the day to oversee your team and take photos.  This makes it easier for your employees to participate in volunteering, thus increasing overall uptake of the program.


Volunteering WA will collect feedback from employee volunteers and beneficiary community organisations to determine your impact and provide an end-of-year report to measure the success of your program’s objectives. This information may be used for sustainability reporting, promotional and marketing purposes.

Fee for services

A fee for each of our services will be negotiated according to the number of teams and employees involved. Please do not hesitate to contact the corporate volunteering team on 9482 4333 or email us at for more information.

Resources to assist you in setting up your own program

We have put together resources, examples, points to consider, tips to improve, and how to sustain an employee volunteering program to help get you started. View the Establishing a Corporate Volunteering Program Guide (PDF).

Volunteering WA Corporate Membership

Volunteering WA Corporate membership is a prerequisite for access to our services, being $500 per year ex gst. Register as a corporate member today to support the engagement, leadership and advancement of volunteering in Western Australia.

Joining as a corporate member of Volunteering WA supports our purpose of empowering people and communities to enrich WA. In addition, it helps demonstrate your commitment to the pivotal role workplace volunteering plays in helping WA communities thrive. Corporate members can also access the many great services on offer, including:

  • Corporate volunteering consultation

To discuss your corporate volunteering needs, review your current volunteering program and provide advice.

  • Access to Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC) events

Network and share knowledge with like-minded professionals on workplace volunteering matters.

  • Events on the volunteering calendar

Join us for specials events such as the WA Volunteer of the Year Awards gala dinner, International Volunteer Day Garden Party at Government House, State Volunteering Conference and more.

  • Website listing as a Corporate Member

On Volunteering WA’s website and in our Annual Report.

  • Use of the Volunteering WA Corporate Member logo

To promote your support of volunteering and Volunteering WA.

  • Volunteering WA E-newsletter

Packed full of interesting articles and community events – subscribe at the bottom the news page.

  • Opportunity to partner with Volunteering WA

Partner/sponsorship opportunities are available for various special events throughout the year.

Want to learn more Corporate Membership? Contact our Manager Corporate Volunteering for further information at or phone 9482 4333. 

Corporate Volunteer Council

The Corporate Volunteer Council (CVC) is a coalition of businesses that recognise and promote the importance of workplace volunteering.  The Council provides professional guidance, development, support, and networking opportunities. Attending CVC events fosters the sharing of knowledge and resources and a greater awareness of community issues and challenges.

The CVC holds networking events throughout the year for those in your business who coordinate or manage employee volunteering, or for those who are keen to get a program started.

If you would like to be kept informed about these events, please fill out the contact form and mention that you’d like more information about CVC events. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Corporate Volunteer Council, Executive Committee*

  • Bankwest
  • Beyond Bank
  • BHP
  • Deloitte
  • Horizon Power
  • RAC
  • Rio Tinto
  • Woodside

*Volunteering WA Corporate members are welcome to apply to sit on the Executive committee.