
Our product and service offerings allow us to actively work in the community by connecting volunteers and volunteer involving organisations with corporates, an online volunteer program and training.


Volunteering WA provides leadership and support to volunteer involving organisations throughout the State. Becoming a member gives you a say in the future of volunteering and access to a broad range of valuable benefits for you and your organisation.

Learn more about joining your industry body


VIOHelp is Volunteering WA's support service for volunteer involving organisations and exists to answer queries and provide guidance to Western Australian community organisations. 

Learn more about the VIOHelp service

Corporate Volunteering

Our work with corporate volunteering has grown exponentially in recent years, with many wonderful companies taking the opportunity to use our services to find suitable volunteer projects. We provide an excellent brokerage service to companies wishing to contribute to the community through volunteering. 

Learn how Volunteering WA connects businesses and community groups

Workshops, Accredited Training & Online Courses

Volunteering WA can deliver online or on-site training no matter where you are located in WA, which can be tailored to suit your audience, sector and differing legislation requirements. We also offer the Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs (CHC44015) in partnership with the The Centre for Volunteering.

View upcoming workshops, external training topics, and online courses

Volunteer Recruitment Platform (VIKTOR)

VIKTOR is Australia's comprehensive volunteering software. Built by the volunteering sector to connect volunteer-involving organisations, businesses, universities and volunteers together to benefit our communities.

Learn more about VIKTOR

INVOLVE Volunteer Management Platform

INVOLVE is Australia's volunteer management platform
INVOLVE is made for coordinators, managers, and administrators to track, plan, and seamlessly mobilise your volunteers in one easy to use, flexible platform.

The INVOLVE dashboard provides an overview of how your organisation and volunteer program is tracking. With details of your volunteers and their hours contributed, current and upcoming shifts, timesheets, email communications, notices for expiring certificates and a quick attendance report all in one spot

Check out our Premium, Essentials, and Free Plans which can be tailored to suit the number of volunteers you coordinate.
INVOLVE makes your volunteer management a whole lot easier.

Check out INVOLVE and book in for a demo

Consultancy and Fee for Service

Volunteering WA is committed to building strong communities through volunteering and provide a range of products and services to assist organisations with their volunteering programs. 

Learn more about Volunteering WA's consultancy services

Volunteer Resource Centres

There are a number of Volunteer Resource Centres throughout Western Australia.  These Volunteer Resource Centres are independent and not under the auspice of Volunteering WA. They are the volunteering experts in their local community.

View Volunteer Resource Centres