Volunteering WA Response to COVID-19
We are all navigating through times of uncertainty surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) and with things moving so quickly and beyond our control it’s essential we make decisions now that will reduce our exposure and the spread of the virus.
Health and wellbeing for individuals and the community are at the forefront of our work and like many organisations in our sector, Volunteering WA has taken the decision to encourage staff to work remotely to prevent exposure and possible spread of COVID-19.
Providing it continues to be safe we will be rotating a skeleton staff in our main office with others working from home. In the meantime we are here to support our members and the community and we will respond as always.
Tina Williams | CEO Volunteering WA
Where can you find COVID-19 information?
For information and regular updates on COVID-19 visit the Government Department of Health website. If you have any concerns or are seeking information on the COVID-19 you can contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. This line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What do I need to do to protect my volunteers?
Volunteers are considered as ‘workers’ under Work Health and Safety (WHS) Laws and as such should be afforded the same considerations as a paid employee. For information about COVID-19 for employers please visit:
- Information for employers
- Safe Work Australia advice
- Download a free Epidemic/Pandemic Policy template
I am a volunteer, am I obliged to continue volunteering?
Volunteers are under no obligation to continue to volunteer if they do not feel comfortable doing so. If you do attend your volunteering role then your Volunteer Involving Organisation has an obligation under Work Health and Safety Laws to provide protections around health and safety. You may wish to have a conversation with the organisation about different ways you can still contribute as a volunteer e.g. working remotely or virtual volunteering.
Other ways you can help
As we see an increase in individuals being self-isolated due to COVID-19, it is important we are vigilant and look out for the vulnerable in our community who are at most risk of getting the virus. At this present time, the best way we can do this is by taking the steps to help prevent the spread listed on the Department of Health website.
There are many people reaching out in their communities and neighbourhoods to help seniors and those who need extra support. You can help those most vulnerable by offering to collect urgent supplies and groceries or even lending a friendly ear for a chat over the phone. Social distancing does not have to mean complete isolation.
We may require emergency support volunteers who are willing to help those affected. If you are interested in helping during times of need, please register.