Volunteering WA Annual General Meeting
Volunteering WA [Volunteer Centre of WA Inc.] gives notice of its Annual General Meeting to be held at City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi Street, West Perth, on Wednesday 18 October at 3.00pm. We hope you can attend and stay for refreshments and networking after the meeting.
If you cannot attend please complete and return to maurene@volunteeringwa.org.au
Nominations for the Volunteering WA Board of Management are now open and any nominations must be received by 5pm Wednesday 11 October 2017. A nomination form is available on request. Board members whose Board positions are eligible for election have nominated for re-election.
We look forward to seeing you on the 18th. Please let us know if you are coming.
To RSVP, and for any further information regarding the AGM, contact maurene@volunteeringwa.org.au.