Presenting Action Plan 2024-2027 of the National Strategy for Volunteering
The National Strategy for Volunteering’s first three-year Action Plan is the next step on the journey to make volunteering the heart of Australian communities.
Launched today, Action Plan 2024-2027 was co-designed from over 1,600 ideas and includes 22 actions from government departments and agencies, peak bodies, researchers and others in the volunteering ecosystem.
Volunteering WA is proud to be a member of the National Strategy for Volunteering Council.
The National Strategy for Volunteering is co-owned by the volunteering ecosystem. Each stakeholder within the volunteering ecosystem has a role and responsibility in implementing the Action Plan 2024-27 and creating a better future for volunteering.
The first three-year Action Plan will see 22 actions led by stakeholders and networks, collectively making progress towards each of the National Strategy for Volunteering’s Strategic Objectives.
Actions include:
- New volunteering data collection, including a survey to measure the volunteer experience
- Greater consistency and alignment of volunteering funding, policies and strategic initiatives
- Establishing forums and communities of practice to share knowledge
- Campaigns to raise awareness of volunteering and share volunteering stories
- Sharing research insights and identifying future topics to explore
- Development and sharing of resources to support volunteer management
The Action Plan brings together state and territory volunteering peak bodies, federal government departments, federal government agencies, non-government organisations, researchers, the National Strategy for Volunteering Coalition of Support and the wider volunteering ecosystem.
There are actions to progress each of the National Strategy’s eleven Strategic Objectives and opportunities for everyone in the volunteering ecosystem to participate and work together for a better future for volunteering.
Visit the National Strategy website