EdConnect: CanteenConnect
EdConnect was also funded to develop a pilot project called CanteenConnect. The project aimed to connect newly arrived migrants with volunteering opportunities in School Canteens. A framework for the ongoing rollout of the project has been developed over the first six months of 2024, with a small scale pilot informing the efficacy of the resources and processes being developed. Learnings and resources will be shared with the sector. The pilot will be expanded into more schools later in the year.
The situation/problem being solved
EdConnect provides educational based mentorship to young people in schools. However, they uncovered a need for creating volunteer opportunities for people that have recently arrived in Australia and may not have good enough English to participate in their regular programs. They came up with the idea of CanteenConnect, a project that would support school canteens with new volunteers and allow recently arrived migrants with a volunteer opportunity where they can build new community connections.
Through simple and inexpensive adaptation to current practices such as providing language support, incorporating culturally sensitive training, and flexible volunteering opportunities, EdConnect was able to develop more inclusive environments and roles. EdConnect was able to forge new partnerships, such as with local primary schools, multicultural organisations and WA School Canteen Association to deliver a future pilot. If the pilot is successful, they will roll out to other schools.
Key learnings
Promoting awareness and appreciation of diverse backgrounds within volunteer groups helps to ensure that everyone feels valued and included, paving the way for a more cohesive and vibrant community. EdConnect have found that looking to the local school communities is a great way to find people who may benefit from this program. Offering multiple ways for volunteers to share their experiences is also important. It respects that volunteers come from various backgrounds and have different preferences for how they communicate and their preferred medium of communication, regardless of their language proficiency.
The Volunteer Management Activity Project Grants are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.