State of Volunteering in Australia: Help Create Happiness (2016)


This report of a survey of Australian volunteers and organisations by PwC for Volunteering Australia provides valuable feedback for volunteer-involving organisations.

Summary (From the Report)

“The State of Volunteering in Australia report details the trends, demographics, challenges and successes in the volunteering sector in Australia. Volunteering Australia and PwC have conducted a survey to analyse the current state of volunteering in Australia, and to identify opportunities to maximise the potential of the volunteer workforce.

The report investigates the following headline questions:

  • Are the current volunteer engagement and management practices appropriate for the future?
  • Is there alignment between the types of roles volunteers want to undertake, the sectors they are interested in volunteering in, and the needs of volunteer involving organisations?
  • What is the appropriate framework to support informal volunteering?
  • What are the necessary steps that need to be taken to future proof volunteering?”

Authors: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Publisher: Volunteering Australia. April 2016

Report Available at:    (several formats including summary form)