Tue. 11 February 2025
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Via Microsoft Teams
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*FREE* Step into Corporate Volunteering (Perth Metro) - Online
Interested in learning more about how corporate volunteers might assist your organisation?
Hosted by the Volunteering WA (VWA) Corporate Team, this online session will cover the VWA Corporate Program, including how you can best utilise corporate volunteers within your organisation, what’s involved in sourcing a team of volunteers, what you need to know when hosting a corporate volunteer or team of volunteers through Volunteering WA and much, much more.
The Corporate Team will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to their corporate volunteering program, and will work through some real examples / projects with you, to help you get the most from this fantastic member benefit!
Please contact [email protected] for more information on the session.
Whilst Volunteering WA's program is only open to Volunteering WA members, we encourage non-members to attend the information session as the value in participating in the program, and becoming a member, is explained.
For more information on how to become a member see here.